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Tungsten carbide seal ring effect of eccentricity on material removal


Tungsten carbide seal ring effect of eccentricity on material removal

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Tungsten carbide seal ring, the eccentric grinding material removal rate of each marked point is changed. From the figure, it can be seen that when no weight block is added, the material removal rate of each point is approximately uniformly distributed. When eccentricity occurs, the material removal rate of each point changes. The material removal rate on one side of the center of gravity is greater than on the other side. The same situation occurs when the eccentric position is adjusted. The average removal rate of eccentric grinding is 0.22 μm / min. According to Experiment 1, according to the relationship between the normal pressure and the removal rate in Experiment 1, it is calculated that when the average normal pressure of eccentric grinding is 152 kPa, the material removal rate is 2.08 μm / min, the error from experiment one is 8.2%. Therefore, the position of the center of gravity can indeed affect the change of the material removal rate at each point, but the change of the material removal rate does not strictly follow the linear relationship. Therefore, the relationship between the position of the center of gravity and the change of the material removal rate at each point needs further study.

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